
life as she is played

Month: June, 2013

“If you have a fake mustache, you can do anything!”

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At the source.

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This guy. #nerdlove

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Horizons #nofilter #sunset #chesapeakebay

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Oh hai there athletics bunny

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Green Goopy Toast

Sometimes I make absolutely delicious things and they turn out to be not-so-photogenic, but I want them to be recorded anyway.

First, you should know that this is our home’s signature cocktail.  We drink them… I’m not going to say how often exactly, because you’ll judge me, but suffice to say that we have the process for mixing up a double down pat.  Always with Bulleit bourbon and raw honey, because that’s how we roll.

Last night, dinner was this smashed chickpea and avocado salad (I tweaked it by not having green onions, so I added just a touch of garlic salt and sriracha for tang-y-ness) on whole wheat toast.  We had a ton of CSA cilantro to be rid of, so I was so pleased to stumble upon this recipe yesterday.  If you make it, add the lime juice slowly and taste after each dash.  It’s important to hit the right level of brightness, but when you do, you’ll know.

Dessert was a significant portion of a bag of Skinny Pop while watching cartoons on my laptop on the bed, because we’re grown-ass grown-ups.  I am typically wary of anything labeled “skinny” or otherwise related to dieting, because those things are usually full of aspartame and hydrogenated oils, but this stuff is simple and GOOD.  It’s verrrrry lightly salted, so you mostly just get nutty popcorn flavor.  The Skinny Pop people aren’t even paying me to say this (though *cough cough* if you’re interested…), I just like this stuff a lot.  It’s basically the perfect snack.

I am going to take that chickpea and avocado salad to the next potluck-type-thing we’re invited to, because it was both perfect and vegan (which is an important consideration around here).  Maybe I’ll figure out how to make it pretty by then!


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If you are into food trucks and not into lines, then today is your day. #whro #foodtrucks #Norfolk #nofilter #hrva

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Salad with berries and peaches by @ghostmechanic, honey roasted beets, garlicky goat cheese – I love you, summertime!

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I am rather inordinately proud of having eaten all of the foods I pre-cooked last week to make this week’s lunches and dinners more manageable.  Between vastly reducing our food waste, making the bed every day, and going for early-morning runs on a regular basis… I may become insufferably virtuous in the near future.

The beets and goat cheese cakes came from here.  I’m planning on slathering some nutty bread with the leftovers of the goat cheese cakes after work today.  Note to all who may attempt this: if you mix up the goat cheese cakes and then let the mixture sit in the fridge for a couple of days before eating them, the raw garlic will bloom into something BIG and spicy.  I have no problem with this at all, but if you’re planning a make-ahead situation, consider dialing back on the minced garlic cloves.  And have some faith about the beets.  It works.

Salad is: spring mix, diced organic strawberries and a peach, sunflower seeds, reduced-fat feta, hemp hearts, and this dressing (which I make in a little jar and keep in the fridge always).

Winning runs in the family. <3 you, Bails!

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My brilliant niece won her race for SCA president at her school.  Since her success is clearly due to her superior genetics, I’ll take full credit.